Oaklands Pigs - Sharing our Expertise

Clare & Robin welcome you to the Oaklands Pigs website

Oaklands Farm is a working farm on the Kent/East Sussex Border, near Tunbridge Wells.

We started keeping pigs over 25 years ago, mostly raising weaners for the freezer before starting breeding from our own stock.

We are not currently running any pig keeping courses.

In early 2005 we replaced our many assorted pigs with new pedigree saddleback breeding stock, the foundation of our saddleback herd today. 

Apart from these, we have examples of some of the other traditional pigs, including Tamworths, Old Spots and Kune Kune. We have also kept Middle Whites, Welsh, Oxford Sandys, Berkshires, Large Whites, Landrace, Large Blacks and Mangalitzas in the past. With rising costs we have recently reduced the number of animals at the farm and now only keep one or two of each breed (Saddleback, Tamworth, Old Spot) as adult breeding stock.

So between us we have many years of experience of buying, keeping and breeding pigs, and offer friendly advice to those new to pig keeping, or those thinking of moving on to breeding pigs.

Here at the farm we have set up a number of different environments in paddocks, woods, and barns with an assortment of styles of fencing and numerous varieties of arks, so there is always something going on at the farm.

Being a small farm, we can take the time to discuss and help you choose your pigs, and give help and advice on setting up and all aspects of pig keeping.

For disease control purposes, we do not hire any boars from this farm, or accept sows for mating.

We are not able to offer any vet student or work experience placements, as there is very little maintenance required for our outdoor herd.

Latest News

The Good Life

Meet Margo & Gerry the new Kune Kunes from Hampshire who have just arrived this week. Margo is the ginger with black spots and Gerry (a castrated male) is all ginger. They have plenty of grass in their pen, so that should keep them busy for months.

kune jul13 a


After winning Best in Show at Heathfield, Vera went on to take Breed Champion at the South of England show. This was a much bigger show with well over 100 pigs entered. We were also delighted that our big breeding sow Hilda took the Reserve Female Champion.

Vera 2 SofE 2013  Hilda SOE2013





Trixie the Tamworth says hello !


The breeding boar


Meeting the outdoor Herd


Getting hands on