TABITHA the tamworth has just arrived at Oaklands Pigs. This pedigree tamworth gilt is full of mischief, and will be joining the breeding herd when she is a bit bigger.
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Trixie the Tamworth says “hello”
Trixie the Tamworth introduces her piglet Tamsin to the course.
We explain the differences between the various breeds and help you choose which will be right for you
We have lots of different breeds to show you and we compare and discuss size shape and how they look. Whether you decide to specialise in one breed, have several, or choose an attractive crossbred or maybe just a pet pig, seeing what each looks like will ensure you make the right decision.
Choosing Piglets
These piglets are ready to go, and Clare points out what to look for when buying new stock.
Oxford Sandy x Old Spot weaners meet the guests
A chance on the course to gets hands on with some piglets !
Freddy the boar gets a new view of life
So that’s what a human looks like !! A course participant lifts Freddy’s ears.
Meeting the young gilts
The course meet some of the younger members of the herd in the field. A “Gilt” is a feamle before she has had her first litter of piglets.
In the picture are a Mangalitza (the hairy one at the back), three distinctive saddlebacks (with the white saddle), and in the foreground a welsh.
You will meet lots of pigs on the course, so you can get a chance to see what breed you might like to have.
Reserve Best in Show at Heathfield
Amy takes the Best of Breed at both the Heathfield and Surrey County Shows.
Our 2011 show season got off to a flying start when 4 year old Amy won Best of Breed at the Heathfield Show on 28th May, and then went on to win Reserve Best in Show. We were especially delighted as Amy is one of our own home bred sows, and in addition 3 of the Saddlebacks contending for best of breed were our own homebred pigs. A few days later …
Meeting the woodland pigs
Here we are discussing our woodland pigs. Continue reading