Pigs on the catwalk

A mammoth photo session took place to capture portraits of six different breeds of pig. London photographer Richard Bailey, set up his studio in one of our barns and we attempted to get a variety of pigs standing still on the right spot, looking the right way. Needless to say, the session took quite some time and a lot of bribery food. The most co-operative pigs were in fact a couple of litters of babies, who stood relatively still once you had turned them all around the right way. The pictures are destined for an American magazine.
Photos Martha a

7 shows – and winning in the top 2, at 6 of them

Oaklands Pigs attended 7 shows during the 2013 season and came home with 3 Best in Shows, 2 Reserve Best in Shows and 1 Breed Champion, so only missing out on a top spot at one show.

The Best in Shows came from Heathfield, Cranleigh and Edenbridge. The two Reserves from Singleton and Egham. And the Breed Champion at the large South of England show.

Vera the Saddleback will now be putting her feet up and awaiting the arrival of her first litter, which is due in the autumn. Hopefully she can produce a show champion for next year.

Vera Oxted13

Another Best in Show


Vera, our Saddleback Gilt, won another Best in Show at the Cranleigh Show on 3rd August. The pig numbers were down at the show as it had moved to the Saturday to avoid the London 100 mile cycle event, but this did mean that it clashed with another large pig show at Stoneleigh Park. Vera joined the grand parade of cattle and sheep in the main arena to collect her trophies, but hitched a ride in the groundsman’s trailer. Although Vera took the honours the rest of the team also did well with Oaklands pigs winning 3 out of the 4 classes and therefore having three of our pigs competing for the Best in Show slot.

Vera2Vera 1

Trio of awards at Singleton Rare Breed Show

We took three different breeds to the Singleton Rare Breed Show and won Best of Breed with all three of them. First up was GLADYS the Gloucester old spot (at the front of the picture). She  came 2nd in a strong adult sow class and also took the award for Best Old Spot. Next up was TALLULAH the Tamworth in the July Gilt class. After entertaining the crowds with her usual run around the ring chased by her owner trying to catch her up, she took the Best Tamworth award.

Also in the July Gilt class was our Saddleback VERA, who won the class and was also awarded Best Saddleback. She then went on to win Reserve Traditional Breed Champion.

The weather was extremely hot and we had to pour water over several pigs in the show ring to ensure that they did not overheat. With all the marquee flaps open we managed to get a good breeze through the pig marquee. So all in all a good day out.

Gladys a Vera a

The Good Life

Meet Margo & Gerry the new Kune Kunes from Hampshire who have just arrived this week. Margo is the ginger with black spots and Gerry (a castrated male) is all ginger. They have plenty of grass in their pen, so that should keep them busy for months.

kune jul13 a


After winning Best in Show at Heathfield, Vera went on to take Breed Champion at the South of England show. This was a much bigger show with well over 100 pigs entered. We were also delighted that our big breeding sow Hilda took the Reserve Female Champion.

Vera 2 SofE 2013  Hilda SOE2013

Pig most like its handler

Surrey County Show hold a number of novelty classes as well as the serious showing side.

Vera, our Best in Show pig from Heathfield show, only managed to come second in her class. The first being taken by a lovely Welsh pig, who went on to win Best in Show. We did redeem ourselves in the novelty classes, with Tallulah the Tamworth (pictured) winning 1st in the pig most like it’s handler, thanks to a baler twine costume and some cardboard ears sported by Clare. Tallulah also came 2nd in the Happiest pig class by charging around the ring, as only Tamworths can do. Other novelty prizes included Delilah winning grumpiest pig by refusing to move and whining throughout the class. And Vera won the pig that the judge would like to take home.
Tallulah costume



Oaklands Pigs won Best in Show at the first show of the season with their British Saddleback Gilt born in July 2012. It was a busy day with their Boar born in July last year and their Boar born in September last year, also winning their classes and contending for the champion spot. We had to rope in other exhibitors to help us get all our pigs into the Championship run off. But it was worthwhile when Vera went on to take the top place.

Oaklands Pigs Heathfield Champion

Pigs in Mud cake







Oaklands Pigs was presented with a “Pigs in Mud” cake made by Sue Jensen for Easter. This was very soon consumed !

Springtime in the South East







Snow has reached the South East again. Good job the pigs enjoy playing in the snow. We make sure that they have a nice warm ark to get into, with plenty of straw. Although keeping dozens of water troughs defrosted is an all day job. Hopefully the sunshine will be out soon.

New Trio of Oxford Sandy’s arrive from Cornwall

A new trio of Oxford Sandy and Blacks have just arrived from Cornwall. The girls Martha and Mavis are sisters from the Mary Bloodline and the boar Henri is from the Clarence bloodline. They will join the other 4 Oxford Sandy’s already at Oaklands Pigs