Connect with the Countryside

This is an annual event for schools to find out about farm animals and countryside activities.

It involves around 5,000 children from year 5&6, who come to pet the pigs and ask questions. From 9.30 to 2.30pm there is a constant stream of groups passing through the building. And as you can see the pigs and I were exhausted when they all finally left.

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Trio Triumph at Cranleigh

Excellent results at the Cranleigh show on 19th June, with 3 out of the 4 pigs competing for Best in Show coming from Oaklands Pigs.

First to book her place was BUNTY our Saddleback sow who won the breeding sow class. She was followed by DOLORES our Saddleback Gilt who is now coming up for a year old, who also won her class. Making up the trio was EBONY our Large Black gilt born in January this year who won the junior class.

Bunty 1stDolores 1stEbony 1st







It was DOLORES the middle size pig who eventually went on to win Supreme Champion on the day. Which meant that she got a ride in the trailer to collect her cup as part of the cattle and sheep parade.

Dolores trailer


Double at South of England Show

We were very busy at the South of England show, and needed two trailer loads of pigs to get them all there. These included a saddleback sow and her 6 week old piglets, a couple of Mangalitzas (to celebrate the “Year of the Sheep” at the show) and a variety of ages of show pigs including Saddlebacks, Large Blacks, Old Spots and Landrace.

We were delighted that GRETA won Champion Old Spot and BERTHA who won the Heathfield show, took Reserve Champion Saddleback. We also won the Best Livestock Exhibitors display for all the piggy facts that we pinned up around our pens.

Greta Best GOS a

Is Beryl Better ?

Well Bertha the Saddleback took Best in Show at Heathfield on Saturday and little Beryl went one better by beating her at the Surrey County show and taking the Reserve Champion Slot.

Beryl is our Saddleback that was born at the end of January, so she is only 4 months old. Beryl also took first prize in the “pig most like it’s owner” with a little help from Sister Clare.




BERTHA is the Best


BERTHA  our British Saddleback born in July 2015 took the Best in Show spot in her first outing at the Heathfield Show today.

We were also pleased that INCA a large Black boar born in January this year also won his class and was contesting for the Best in Show slot too.

His sister EBONY did well coming second in a class of over a dozen pigs of her age.

And great big LOLA the Landrace was just pipped into second place by a large saddleback sow in her class. So the show season is off to a flying start – more news to follow ….


Are you Hungary ?

Meet MATYAS (the blonde) and MIKLOS (the red) Mangalitza pigs from Hungary, that have just arrived at Oaklands Farm. The Mangalitza has a woolly coat like a sheep and the meat has fat marbled through it, rather than a layer of fat on the top.

2 mangalitzas

Cranleigh Best in Show

BryonyBRYONY our January born Saddleback Gilt took a surprise Best in Show at the Cranleigh show on 21st June. Being born at the end of January this year she was one of the youngest and  smallest pigs at the show. But having a good set of 16 teats, she obviously showed the potential for being a good future breeding sow.






But being so small she was hard to see as she toured the main arena as part of the cattle and sheep winners parade.


Lola the Landrace certainly strutted her stuff to win Supreme Champion Pig at the South of England show. Seen here with (L-R) judge Steve Loveless, owner Clare Wilson, Claire Scheckter (racing driver Jody Scheckter’s wife – the president of the show) and one of the sponsors. And of course Lola – she’s the one wearing a sash.

Lola fought her way through the breed classes on Thursday to win best modern breed and then put on a superb performance on Friday in the Interbreed challenge for Best in Show. On Saturday she got to ride around the main arena, chauffeur driven in her own trailer as part of the livestock parade with the winning cattle and sheep.

It was a fantastic day, as she had previous won the Reserve Champion last year at this show and went one better this year to take top spot. “It is a very hard job to get a “pink” pig ready for show” said Clare Wilson. “I have to wash them everyday for  at least a week to 10 days before the show and protect them from the sun.  But it has all been worth while to win the top prize at such a major show”.lola2015 a

Surrey with a smile

Lola aAfter the serious showing at Heathfield on Saturday, Oaklands Pigs went to Surrey with a smile.

Here are Clare and Lola in their matching Tutu’s winning the fancy dress class.

Our four month old Tamworth won the happiest pig class by running around the arena with Robin in hot pursuit.

Winning Start to the 2015 show season

A fantastic start to the 2015 showing season, with 3 wins at the Heathfield Show.

DSC_0141Lola our Landrace sow continued last year’s form, by winning her class. This year’s new comers Jolene our July Saddleback and Beatrice our September Saddleback also won their classes with Bridget also coming second giving us a one-two in the July Class.

We were beaten in the best in show by a cracking January gilt shown by our friend (and no relation) Mark Wilson.

heathfield 2015 h

Off to the Surrey show on Bank Holiday Monday to see if we can repeat our form

Disabled group come to meet the pigs

Shinewater 2015 aOaklands Pigs played host to a group of young disabled adults recently who came to see the farm.

They were able to hold a baby piglet and meet a variety of breeds and sizes of pig including the mums and babies. Gerry and Margot the Kune Kunes also kept them entertained, as shown here.

The group went on to stroke baby lambs and pet rabbits and see a gundog demonstration. Before finally having a hot dog lunch in the barn. The sausages went down so well, that they bought some more to take back to the other residents at the centre.

Spring Show outing for the newcomers

spring_showOur three youngest show pigs for this year made their debut at the South of England Spring Show over the bank holiday weekend.

Tessa the Tamworth – 11 weeks old, Bryony our Saddleback Gilt – 13 weeks old and Hamish our new Saddleback Boar at only 15 weeks, all got the chance to strut their stuff in a small practice ring.

No competitions at this show, we’re were just giving visitors the chance to experience young pigs close up, and ask as many questions as they liked.

All three loved having their bellies rubbed, as the tweet from the showground demonstrates !

River Cottage Photos

London Photographer Gavin Kingcome visited Oaklands Pigs this week to take pictures for the wrap around cover of the new River Cottage Pig book. The brief was to have a line of various breeds of pig out in their free range environment. Our sows were happy to oblige with a stroll around the field gathering up beech mast and early acorns as they went. It looks as though the winning shot will be of an Oxford Sandy and Black.4 breedsw

Reserve Best in Show at Egham Royal Show

Lola the Landrace finished this year’s show season with another Reserve Best in Show. This time at the Egham Royal Show. The weather was perfect, warm but not too sunny and Lola strutted her stuff around the ring to win her class and then go on to win the reserve best in show. Now that she has finished the show season, she can roll in as much mud as she likes. Although she will probably miss being washed, as she quite enjoyed the hose and being rubbed down with a horse brush during the hot weather.


Close at Cranleigh


We had another good show at Cranleigh on 2nd August. First out again was Hilary our Saddleback sow who won her class. She was followed by the gilts born in July 2013 which was a strong class, eventually being taken by the Old Spot pictured at the rear. Lola the Landrace came a close 2nd, but she let herself down by not moving well around the ring. Next in was Edna the September born gilt who also claimed a first and lastly the little January Saddleback Gilt Bunty who managed a third.












So just like the Singleton show, Hilary and Edna were both out again to contest the Best in Show. With two Oaklands Pigs already in the ring, the judge Richard Lutwyche then asked me to bring Lola the Landrace out again.

Unfortunately she still did not want to strut her stuff and therefore missed out on the Reserve Champion prize.


Oaklands Saddlebacks take Singleton Show by Storm

The Singleton rare breed show was held on Sunday 20th July. The pig classes are divided into white breeds like the Middle White and Lop, and the coloured breeds such as Saddlebacks and Old Spots etc.

First up was Hilary our three and a half year old sow who took first place in the sow class. She was followed by Harriet a gilt born in July last year who also won her class. There was another first place for Edna, our gilt in the September age group and bringing up the rear, Bunty our little gilt born in January this year who came second in her class.

That meant that there were three Oaklands Saddlebacks in the ring contesting for the coloured Championship. Although we were pipped at the post for the top slot, Harriet took home the Reserve Champion award.

Harriet a

Reserve Best in Show at the South of England Show

Lola a



“HER NAME IS LOLA – SHE IS A SHOWGIRL” the words of the song rang true at the South of England show, where Lola the Landrace took Reserve Best in Show. We were surprised to win her breed class against strong opposition and then even more delighted to win Best Modern breed. That entitled Lola to compete for Best in Show, which was judged on the Friday. A large black took the top slot and Lola came in as Reserve Champion.

Whilst the rest of the show team couldn’t claim any firsts there were plenty of 2nd’s and 3rd’s. The 2nd’s going to Gladys the Old Spot in the Breeding Sow class and another second to Bunty in the January born saddleback class on Thursday and then Edna the saddleback also came 2nd in the interbreed September class on the Friday.

The 3rd’s went to Hilary in the Saddleback breeding sow class and Harriet in the saddleback July born class.

And then we rounded off the day by winning the best livestock exhibitors display. So all in all, great results at the South of England for Oaklands Pigs.


Gladys wins Best Old Spot at Surrey

Gladys the Gloucester Old Spot won a big rosette as best old spot at the Surrey County show on Bank Holiday Monday. Although she is a four year old sow weighing around 300 kilos (that’s 48 stone) she can still move around the ring. She wasn’t so pleased however at winning “The Grumpiest Pig” award in the novelty classes.


As at the Heathfield show, the Welsh pig took top honours, but we again came second and third to that winning pig in our breed classes. But this time the roles were reversed with Lola the Landrace taking the second slot and Harriet the Saddleback coming third.

Lola and Clare also won the pig most like it’s owner, I think it was the ears !

Lola Like

It was however a rather wet day, but that did mean lots of people visited the livestock marques especially during the downpours.

Harriet wins Best of Breed at Heathfield

Harriet wins Best Saddleback at Heathfield 2014.

The show season got off to a good start with all of our pigs winning prizes at the show. Harriet came second in her breed class to a beautiful Welsh pig, which then went on to win Best in Show. Lola the Landrace was not far behind by winning the 3rd place in that class just behind Harriet.


The judge Steve Loveless is checking Harriet’s teats to see how many piglets she could feed.


Lola is Covergirl !

Our Landrace gilt, Lola is now gracing the cover page of Modern Farmer.

modern farmer

This follows a photo shoot in January, when photographer Richard Bailey came down to the farm to take photos of many of our breeds.

Many of these other shots feature in an article inside the magazine.

We’re hoping that this early stardom doesn’t affect her, and that she’ll learn to cope with all this attention.

Show ring practice – of a different kind

After our show success with the pigs last year, Clare has gone up a notch by judging the final of the gamekeepers working gundogs in the main arena of Crufts on Sunday 9th March 2014, shortly before the main best in show.

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Clare’s judging was streamed live on YouTube and the Crufts Channel  –
Watch it here

Clare said ” It was all a bit scary standing alone in such a large arena surrounded by thousands of knowledgeable people. I think I’ll stick to pigs in a field at the agricultural shows”