Reserve Champion at Rare Breed Show

The Rare Breed Show at the Open Air Museum at Singleton was bathed in glorious sunshine this year, a contrast to the very wet previous year. Hazel our July Gilt won her class and went on to become reserve traditional breed champion. Our September and January Gilts also did well, both coming 2nd in their respective classes. The win was just to much for Hazel who had to have a lie down – in the show ring.



Hazel has a lie down after winning Reserve Champion


Oaklands Pigs at the Singleton Show

We took five pigs to the Singleton Show including three saddlebacks, an Oxford Sandy & Black and Tabitha our popular Tamworth, who spent much of the day enjoying being stoked by the public.

Best in Show at Surrey County

Oaklands Pigs were in great form at the Surrey County show on the May Bank Holiday Monday, with our saddleback sow Hilda winning Best in Show. We also scooped 1st and 2nd in the July gilt class, with Hazel a saddleback gilt taking 1st and competing alongside Hilda for Best in Show. Then Chestnut an Oxford Sandy Gilt taking the 2nd spot making her the best Oxford at the show. Not to be out done by her mother, Hilda’s daughter Hyacinth born in January this year came 2nd in her class. And the whole day was rounded off by Amy, our 5 year old saddleback sow winning the Veteran class.

Meeting the outdoor herd

There are lots of breeds to see and pigs of all ages.

All our sows like to be stroked, so there is plenty of hands on required!


During the day we meet the main herd who are kept on a field.  You will see how we keep them secure, fed and watered, the many different types of Ark we have, and discuss the merits of different arks.

Successful Show Season






We attended 6 shows in the 2011 show season and won Best of Breed for the Saddlebacks at 5 of those shows and have won Reserve Best in Show at 2 of them.

The Five Best of Breeds have also been from 4 different pigs, with Amy our 4 year old sow winning at Heathfield and then again at Surrey County. This was followed by Hilary, our September Gilt taking the spot at the Singleton Rare breed show (beating Amy that time), and on 7th Aug our 3 year sow Miranda (pictured above) took Best of Breed at the Cranleigh show. The last show was at Edenbridge where our two and a half year old sow Joyce took the Best Saddleback slot. We were also pleased that at manyof the shows it was different age saddlebacks from Oaklands Pigs that were competing for the Best of Breed title.

The Two Reserve Best in Shows were won by Amy at the Heathfield show (pictured below) and Miranda at the Cranleigh show.









Although its the Saddlebacks that are our primary focus on the show circuit, we were also delighted that our January Tamworth Gilt Tabitha won a class of 8 entries at the Singleton Show. Mind you, you have to be fit to keep up with a young Tamworth in the ring !



Tabitha the Tamworth

TABITHA the tamworth has just arrived at Oaklands Pigs. This pedigree tamworth gilt is full of mischief, and will be joining the breeding herd when she is a bit bigger.

Trixie the Tamworth says “hello”


Trixie the Tamworth introduces her piglet Tamsin to the course.

We explain the differences between the various breeds and help you choose which will be right for you


We have lots of different breeds to show you and we compare and discuss size shape and how they look.  Whether you decide to specialise in one breed, have several, or choose an attractive crossbred or maybe just a pet pig, seeing what each looks like will ensure you make the right decision.

Meeting the young gilts

The course meet some of the younger members of the herd in the field.  A “Gilt” is a feamle before she has had her first litter of piglets.

In the picture are a Mangalitza (the hairy one at the back), three distinctive saddlebacks (with the white saddle),  and in the foreground a welsh.

You will meet lots of pigs on the course, so you can get a chance to see what breed you might like to have.

Reserve Best in Show at Heathfield

Amy takes the Best of Breed at both the Heathfield and Surrey County Shows.

Our 2011 show season got off to a flying start when 4 year old Amy won Best of Breed at the Heathfield Show on 28th May, and then went on to win Reserve Best in Show. We were especially delighted as Amy is one of our own home bred sows, and in addition 3 of the Saddlebacks contending for best of breed were our own homebred pigs. A few days later …

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